A bit about me
I began beekeeping in 2002 with two hives of bees and this has now grown into the business of Cotswold Bees Ltd.
You can follow the trials and traumas of the bees, as well as the highs and lows of a small scale bee farmer on Twitter and Instagram.
A bit about us
We produce high quality honey in both jars and in the comb. We also provide a service to the small scale and hobby beekeeper by providing good quality equipment and courses, both face to face and online. We also sell nucs of bees when they are available. Part of our philosophy is to get back to the old idea of having bees that are suitable for the area in which they are foraging. Our main apiary and business is based in the North Cotswolds, just outside the picturesque village of Mickleton. We also have our bees at a number of out apiaries throughout the North Cotswolds. As a professional lecturer I began running courses for other beekeepers in 2009 and, as a business, we now run many beekeeping courses every year as well as our online courses – see our courses section for details. I also regularly speak to organisations and schools about beekeeping.