Bees are generally pretty tolerant when it comes to the position of their hive but some things will help them survive better and hopefully produce more honey. Here are five things to consider when siting your beehive.
Sun & Shade
If you can position your hive such that it has sun in the morning and a little shade in the afternoon your bees will appreciate it. The quicker the hive warms up in the morning, the quicker the bees will start flying. The longer they can have flying, the more time they will have to gather stores. A little shade in the afternoon will be helpful on really hot days to ensure that the bees don’t have to spend too much time cooling the hive when they could be out gathering stores and making honey.
Damp & Ventilation
Bees hate damp. Don’t site your hive in an area that gets really damp or even wet especially in the winter. Also avoid frost pockets. If your hive is in a permanent position it is a good idea to mount it onto paving slabs. This stops the area under the hive getting damp and also helps supress weeds from growing around the hive. Always mount your hive on some sort of hive stand that allows for ventilation under the hive.
Generally speaking windy positions are a bad idea. Bees don’t like flying in strong winds and often hives can be blown over. If, like me you live in an area where the wind seems to blow all the time then make sure the hives are protected. A fence or hedge between the hive and the prevailing wind will make all the difference.

Hives Blown Over By The Wind
When you put your hive in place everything is nice and light and clean. Hopefully, very soon you will need to be hauling heavy supers off your hive and away for extraction. If your hive is across a ploughed field with no access for your vehicle then you will have problems. Likewise, is it easy to get to your hive when you need to? If your hive is in your garden then it’s great. You can pop out whenever you need to and all your kit will be easily to hand. Some people put hives on the roof of a shed or garage. Fine for the bees but not good when you come to try to take those heavy supers down a ladder.
Access To Forage & Water
Unless you actually own the land around you hive you cannot control what is grown but it is important to take into account what is available to your bees throughout the season. It is well known that bees tend to do better in the towns and cities than in the countryside. This is due to the fact that in urban areas due to all the gardens and parks there tends to be a variety of forage all through the season. In the countryside you need to look out for hedges and woods together with any flowering crops. If you are in an area where only grass based crops are grown and there are no hedges or the hedges are trimmed so often that they do not flower then the bees will not do well. Remember access to water is also required and if you don’t have any ponds or easily accessible streams close by then you will need to provide water.

Bees Collecting Water
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