Can I Keep Bees In My Garden?

New beekeepers are often worried about where to keep their bees and ask “can I keep bees in my garden?” In the UK there are no actual laws about where you can keep bees, other countries are different. Whilst the law allows you to keep...

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Why Do Bees Swarm?

Swarming is a natural thing that bee colonies do but why do bees swarm? The main reason that a bee colony will swarm is that it has reached a sufficient size to enable it to split into two and hence reproduce itself. Whilst it is important for...

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How Is A New Queen Bee Made?

One of the questions we get asked the most by people on courses is How Is A New Queen Bee Made? In this blog we look at the incredible process of the making of a new queen. When Will Bees Make A New Queen? If the old queen has died or is getting...

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What To Feed Bees In Spring

Spring is a difficult time for bees. They have come through the winter and hopefully the queen has had a good rest. The problem is that with the mild winters we have been having it is likely that she will have carried on laying and there will...

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Why Do Bees Do The Waggle Dance?

We have all seen bees flying out to gather food but how do they know where to go to find the richest pickings? Once the scout bees have discovered a good source of forage they will return to the hive a tell their sisters where to go to find food...

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Is Honey Good For You?

Is Honey Good For You? Well the short answer is YES. As producers of honey it will not surprise you that we believe that honey is good for you, but we really should look at this scientifically and as impartially as a bee farmer can. Is All Honey...

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Adding New Supers

When and how to add supers is one of those subjects over which beekeepers will argue for hours. Here are my thoughts and the techniques that have done well by me over the years. First: try not to add supers too early. Make sure that the brood box...

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